Snape 100


March 11th, 2019

ellid @ 08:16 am: Title: Wizexit, XI
Prompt: Income Inequality
Word Count: 100
Note: this is another Motherless Child series, wherein Snape and Lupin marry and have a child. Their son, John, is now about fifteen.

“There’s another thing to consider,” Severus said later, after they’d read through the information Hermione had owled them.

“Food shortages?” Remus sat close enough to the fire that the silver in his hair looked like living gold. Severus had to force himself not to cross the room to muss it up properly. “Not likely.”

“No, something just as important.” Severus passed him a folder on the National Health. “Most aconite is imported from the Continent. Only the rich or those with enough land to grow their own would be able to afford Wolfsbane.”

Remus snarled. “We have to do something.”

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