Snape 100


March 6th, 2019

ellid @ 07:48 am: Title: Wizexit, VIII
Prompt: National Health
Word Count: 100
Note: this is another Motherless Child series, wherein Snape and Lupin marry and have a child. Their son, John, is now about fifteen.

“Familial curse?” Severus paused at the sound of what sounded like a nascent argument from the back garden. “I had no idea.”

“My parents weren’t happy when I proposed. They had one of the Donevitches from Montenegro in mind, you see.” Draco stared into his teacup. “The National Health won’t cover most of her treatments, but we have enough money to cover the cost of a specialist.

“If we can’t take her to Paris, though – “

“Have you contacted the Weasleys? Fleur specializes in rare – “

“She’s French by birth, Severus. What if this means she has to leave, too?”

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