Snape 100


January 25th, 2019

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: Controlled Substances, V
Challenge: drug legalization
Word Count: 100

Excerpt from the Daily Prophet, undated:

...the proposed legalizatin unexpectedly failed on its second vote in the Wizengamot when a coalition of legislators led by Elyrius Fawley abruptly withdrew their support, leading to the collapse of what had been a comfortable majority. There was great consternation amongst supporters of the Legalize Now! effort, which had worked for years to remove boomslang venom from the restricted list.

“We are terribly disappointed,” said Baroness Julianna de Strelsau of Legalize Now! “Elyrius Fawley was a longtime ally, and we do not understand his sudden volte face.”

Mr. Fawley, of Hogsmeade, refused comment.

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