Snape 100


January 23rd, 2019

ellid @ 07:49 am: Title: Controlled Substances, III
Challenge: drug legalization
Word Count: 100

Elyrius Fawley, Hogwarts area representative to the Wizengamot, was a mild-mannered businessman with a common touch, or so his campaign literature said. He'd stayed neutral during both Wizarding Wars, counted Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy as patrons of his business, and proudly posed with his wife and kiddies for each election's public appearances. His life was good, his business was good, and his political career was fine.

At least, until the day that the Deputy Head of Hogwarts swept into his office and proceeded to lecture him about the evils of boomslang venom and his own status as a dunderhead.

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