Snape 100


November 2nd, 2018

ellid @ 07:30 am: Title: There's Something About the Snape House....V
Challenge: Magical reversal
Word Count: 100


Severus apparated into his foyer, robes immaculate, expression schooled to stillness. The Ministry reversal agent was waiting on the stoop.

“What precisely is the problem? I was at Hogwarts, not in residence, and - “

“It's not you,” said the agent. He pointed at a crudely chalked caricature of a Muggle witch on the sidewalk. “It's that.”

“The neighborhood children - “

The caricature smiled as tiny purple unicorns danced across the pavement. Severus raised an eyebrow. “ - seem to include at least one who should be at Hogwarts.”

“Good heavens,” said the agent.

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