Snape 100


October 18th, 2018

ellid @ 07:57 am: Title: The Resistance, IX
Challenge: Inquisitorial Squad
Word Count: 100

“The girl has done excellent work, Professor Snape.” Dolores Umbridge, her latest collector's plate mewing softly, blinked. “Why do you want her duties for the Inquisitorial Squad reduced?”

“Her schoolwork, Professor.” Severus produced a thick sheaf of parchments liberally marked with red. “She has fallen badly behind in Potions, and Professors Flitwick and McGonagall have told me the same has happened in their classes. Her parents will need to be informed.”

“Hem,” said Umbridge. “She can't be spared, so she'll simply need to budget her time better.”

“But - “

“Good day, Professor,” Umbridge said.

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