Snape 100


October 15th, 2018

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: The Resistance, VI
Challenge: Inquisitorial Squad
Word Count: 100

“Them Gryffindors and Ravenclaws are up to no good.” Argus Filch, one of the few adults in Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad, preened as he showed off the shiny silver badge pinned to his waistcoat. “Arrogant berks, them whole lot of 'em. That know it all Granger girl- I docked her five points for taking too many books out of the library. She makes the rest of the school look sad, she does, and it's time someone took her down a peg or two.”

Severus nodded, slow and thoughtful. Would Filch ever get over being a Squib?

“Indeed,” he said. “Indeed.”

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