Snape 100


October 4th, 2018

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: Neighbors, IV
Challenge: Hogsmeade villagers
Word Count: 100

“So it was stew!” The publican's pretty daughter dug in. “I wonder why the school had Professor Snape make it?”

“I couldn't say.” The milliner took a bite, raised her eyebrows, and nodded. The Harvest Fete was in full swing, and the potions master's contribution was the hit of the fair. “It's good, though.”

“It was my mother's recipe.” The potions master paused in renewing the ladling charm that fed the village. “Headmaster wanted me to share it so I'd get to know my new neighbors.”

The publican's daughter smiled. “My name is Rosmerta, Professor. What's yours?”

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