Snape 100


September 6th, 2018

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: Reunion, VIII
Challenge: Marauders
Word Count: 100

“Not just Grim effluvia, as you so quaintly put it,” Lupin snarled, and Severus stopped writing. Lupin normally was the most even-tempered dunderhead he knew, but clearly he had his limits. “Prongs wasn't precisely the most continent creature in the world.”

Severus closed his girdle book. “Let me guess. He'd had a fight with Lily and decided to work out his sorrows by destroying Black property.”

“They weren't even dating, you git,” said Lupin. “He had too much ice cream even though he was lactose intolerant..

Severus winced. No wonder the lawn had had such a peculiar smell.

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