Snape 100


July 30th, 2018

ellid @ 07:49 am: Title: The Social Network, XXXX
Challenge: Google Hangout
Word Count: 100
Note: this is yet another Motherless Child drabble series, wherein Snape and Lupin marry and adopt a young werewolf. Their son John is about 14 in this one.

Transcript of Google transcript among “Weasel 2,” “Snappy,” and “JDWolfieWolf”:

W2: Hey, Loops. Your dads behaving better?

JDWW: Papa, yes. Dad, sorta. You?

W2: scowls

JDWW: ?????

“Snappy”: Be glad you're in Scotland. Burrow is craaaaaaaaaaaazy......

JDWW: ?????

“Snappy”: Check out the gossip page in the Prophet


JDWW: Oh no.

“Snappy”: Oh yes.

JDWW: Uncle Harry's really leaving Aunt Gin?

“Snappy”: Uh huh. Changing partners with the Malfoys and -

W2: This is my FAMILY we're talking about and I -

JDWW: Bloody hell, no matter the dads were having a fit.

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