Snape 100


July 13th, 2018

ellid @ 07:49 am: Title: The Social Network, XXVIV
Challenge: Pinterest
Word Count: 100
Note: this is yet another Motherless Child drabble, wherein Snape and Lupin marry and adopt a young werewolf. Their son John is about 14 in this one.


Severus took a moment to settle himself before turning. “Yes?”

“Thanks for giving me back my phone.” The boy yawned and took a step forward. “I'm sorry I stuck it in the compost. I guess I overreacted to that baby picture.”

Clearly Moony had had a chat with the boy while they were having their monthly run. “I trust you'll approve of our Pinterest account. There isn't a single snap of you or any of your friends.”

“Pinterest?” John scrubbed at his eyes. “Was that why Aunt Dora was here? She's mad for it, you know.”

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