Snape 100


June 19th, 2018

ellid @ 08:03 am: Title: The Social Network, XII
Challenge: Instagram
Word Count: 100
Note: this is yet another Motherless Child drabble, wherein Snape and Lupin marry and adopt a young werewolf. Their son John is about 14 in this one.

“Hey, Lupin!”

Johnny broke into a grin as George Weasley II and his boon companion, “Snappy,” pushed through the crowd in Diagon Alley. “What are you doing here? They haven't sent the school lists out yet.”

“Aunt Hermione's having a book signing,” said George II. “You?”

“Dad had errands, Papa had work.” Johnny shrugged. “They still don't trust me to stay alone.”

“Great! There's a new broom - “ George stopped as his phone chimed. His eyes went wide as he checked the screen. “Lupin? Did you know your dad put your baby pictures on Instagram?”

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