Snape 100


June 11th, 2018

ellid @ 07:48 am: Title: The Social Network, VI
Challenge: YouTube
Word Count: 100
Note: this is yet another Motherless Child drabble, wherein Snape and Lupin marry and adopt a young werewolf. Their son John is about 14 in this one.

The Facebook page for “Michael Prince,” a secondary school science teacher from Doveton, was surprisingly easy to set up. Ditto the pictures of “Michael's” family (evenly divided between childhood snaps and pictures from visits to Remus' mother) and lists of music and books (“Everything non-wizard is fine, Dad”). The first friend requests quickly followed, including several thinly disguised wizards (“James Evans” was painfully obvious).

“So. What do I do now?” Severus said after clicking “accept” next to Hermione Granger's name.

“Get on some other platforms,” said John. “Try YouTube. They have a lot of music you like anyway.”

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