Snape 100


May 18th, 2018

ellid @ 07:32 am: Title: Tech Support, VI
Challenge: Off-shore oil worker
Word Count: 100

“As promised, I've returned with your wands. They have been thoroughly inspected, polished, and re-charmed, as per the Ollivander 100 Per Cent Multiple Lifetime Guarantee.”

“This – ooo! It hasn't swished and flicked this well since my first year at Hogwarts!”


“Oh yes.”


“I trust I have rendered excellent customer service?”

“Very much so. English Petrol thanks you for your assistance. We do have one question, however.”


“Normally we would not ask, but the Muggles are whispering.”

“Ah yes, Muggles. Your question?”

“Are you a vampire?”

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