Snape 100


April 4th, 2018

ellid @ 07:44 am: Title: The Uses of Chicken S**t, III
Challenge: chick sexing
Word Count: 100

Severus curled his lip at the supervisor's retreating back. Sexing chicks was boring, repetitive, and did little to increase his popularity, but there was no better way to collect materials for his research.

“Just because I no longer teach doesn't mean I've thrown my brains out the window,” he'd announced at the Leaky Cauldron one night to an audience of two waiters, three former students, and a bored house elf. “Chicken dung is surprisingly useful, especially if one harvests it from newborns.”

“Why are you telling me this?” said a random Weasley, and even the elf had agreed.

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