Snape 100


March 23rd, 2018

ellid @ 07:42 am: Title: The Buddy System, XIX
Challenge: Resolution: go on more dates
Word Count: 100

“I think the children have noticed,” said Remus, letting his fingers brush lightly over Severus' as he passed the sugar bowl. “One of the Gryffindors nearly inhaled his morning cuppa.”

“One would think they'd never seen two adults enjoying each other's company.” Severus glanced briefly at the Gryffindor table, and yes, one of the boys was coughing violently over a bowl of muesli. “They're scarcely the only ones to have friends.”

“Is that all you wish, Severus?” Remus cocked his head. “Friendship? Or possibly something more?”

Severus hesitated, then plunged ahead. “A few more dates should help.”

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