Snape 100


March 21st, 2018

ellid @ 07:35 am: Title: The Buddy System, XVII
Challenge: Resolution: go on more dates
Word Count: 100

“He's gone mental,” whispered one of the Gryffindor fifth-years at breakfast. He glanced at Professor Snape, who was smiling as he chatted with Professor Sprout, and not in an evil way. “No other explanation.”

The House quidditch captain poured herself muesli and added a handful of mixed nuts. “You said that when he got a haircut, too. Give it up, Algie.”

“It's all the same thing! He's bathing and shaving and wearing real clothes and - “

“You cost us twenty points when he found that list of 'Reasons Professor Snape is a loony.' Shut it, Algie.”

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