Snape 100


March 12th, 2018

ellid @ 07:28 am: Title: The Buddy System, XVI
Challenge: Resolution: Develop better personal relationships
Word Count: 100

The worst of it was that Lupin was right.

Not necessarily about the torture that was a makeover, but about getting out of the dungeons, meeting new people, and upgrading his appearance. Ballroom dancing was tremendously enjoyable, robes that fit well were a refreshing change, and having members of both sexes flirt with him over the punchbowl was an unexpected and delightful surprise.

So yes, Severus owed the wolf an apology...except that the rotation through the new faculty members had continued, and now Lupin was spending the bulk of his free time with Filius Flitwick, not Severus Snape.

What now?

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