Snape 100


March 6th, 2018

ellid @ 07:34 am: Title: The Buddy System, XII
Challenge: Resolution: pay more attention to appearance
Word Count: 100

Lupin blinked. “You're asking me for fashion advice.”


“After all those remarks about Oxfam jumpers - “

“Which you're discarded in favor of clothing lacking moth holes.”

“ - I'm surprised, to put it mildly.” Lupin blinked again. “In all seriousness, Minerva would be a better choice, or possibly Pomona. I'm not precisely - “

Severus sat up straight in his chair. “You're a man who likes to dance and who's managed to acquire a set of decently cut robes that allow you to do so. I highly doubt Minerva or Pomona can advise me adequately.”

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