Snape 100


March 2nd, 2018

ellid @ 07:47 am: Title: The Buddy System, X
Challenge: Resolution: Learn a new hobby
Word Count: 100

Lupin smiled, and what should have been terrifying – those eyes- was disconcertingly attractive. “Dancing always worked for me.”

“Dancing?” Severus did not objec when Lupin carefully laced their fingers together. “You?“

“Everyone should dance, even poor werewolves,” murmured Lupin. He nodded at the Victrola, which began to play something slow and sultry. “It's easy.”

Severus shuddered as Lupin began to move, following the other's lead without thought. “Lupin - “

“Remus. My name is Remus.”

“Remus.” Severus let himself be twirled. “This is - “

“Do you me want to stop?”

“ - acceptable.”

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