Snape 100


February 27th, 2018

ellid @ 07:04 am: Title: The Buddy System, VII
Challenge: Resolution: Learn a new hobby
Word Count: 100

Severus carefully set down the mortar and pestle in which he'd been pulverizing a handful of de-stinged tarantula hawk wasps. “Of course I do something other than work. What a ridiculous question.”

“Is it?” Lupin could be unnervingly still when he chose, likely thanks to being part apex predator. “I've yet to see you do anything but teach, grade, prepare for teaching, or attend faculty meetings.”

“Quidditch - “

“You haven't refereed since Xiomara sprained her ankle.”

“ - reading - “

“Professional journals and textbooks don't count.”

Severus bared his teeth. “And your point, Lupin?”

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