Snape 100


January 26th, 2018

ellid @ 07:45 am: Title: Insomnia, V
Challenge: Resolution: get more sleep
Word Count: 100

The compromise was simple: trade off with Aurora Sinistra on the nightly dorm check.

“She's technically your deputy,” Poppy pointed out. “She's intelligent, committed to her students, and another Slytherin.”

“So is Septima Vector,” Severus managed. His eyes felt gritty and it was all he could do to stifle another yawn. “Why not her?”

“Too strict by half to comfort a child. You'd realize that if you weren't half-asleep.” Poppy handed him a simple energy tonic. “Aurora is far kinder, plus she's awake most nights as it is. Ask her.”

“I will,” said Severus, and drank.

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