Snape 100


December 27th, 2017

ellid @ 07:44 am: Title: Ghosts, VII
Challenge: The Nutcracker
Word Count: 100
Note: this is yet another Motherless Child story, where Snape and Lupin marry and adopt a young werewolf. This is set about two years after they move in together but a few months before they adopt their son.

“A fairy story? About nutcrackers?” Severus flipped through the pages. “Princess Pirlipat? Madame Mouserinks? Good heavens, those are worse than the average Malfoy female name.”

Remus looked annoyed, and Severus remembered too late that this was a cherished childhood book. “The Nutcracker is healed of a curse at the end. I used to pretend that was me, if you must know.”

Severus closed the book. “My apologies. I spoke too soon.”

“You have a habit of doing that, even now,” said Remus. He stood abruptly. “I need to check the Floo. Try reading it before judging for once.”

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