Snape 100


December 22nd, 2017

ellid @ 07:06 am: Title: Ghosts, V
Challenge: A Christmas Carol
Word Count: 100
Note: this is yet another Motherless Child story, where Snape and Lupin marry and adopt a young werewolf. This is set about two years after they move in together but a few months before they adopt their son.

“It's a spell?” Severus gaped. “An American spell? What dunderhead thought that was a good idea?”

“No one's quite certain, but it dates from the 1920's. It's intended to produce such overwhelming guilt that the subject either repents of their behavior or goes mad.” Remus threw an afghan over them both and stared into the fire. “Why you, and why now? The war is over, you were exonerated - “

“Who would know it? It's an American spell. An American Dark Wizard - “

“I can ask a friend at Ilvermorny if she has any ideas.”

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