Snape 100


December 13th, 2017

ellid @ 07:32 am: Title: Fake News, XIII
Challenge: Alchemy, Ancient Art and Science
Word Count: 100

“Alchemy, Ancient Art and Science was that popular? I thought it was out of print,” said Granger. She twitched her finger at Severus' copy, which obediently opened to the table of contents. “Your edition was printed in 1985. Has there been one since?”

“Not in Britain, but it's the standard text at Durmstrang and Koldovstoretz, and on the supplemental readings list at Castelbruxo and Mahoutokoro. Believe me, Pyrites' sales haven't suffered.” Severus leaned over her shoulder. “He's a wretched creature in certain ways, but his scholarship is impeccable. Even the Dark Lord couldn't persuade him to attack Flamel.”

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