Snape 100


December 11th, 2017

ellid @ 06:42 am: Title: Fake News, XI
Challenge: Alchemy, Ancient Art and Science
Word Count: 100

Minerva would most emphatically not loan them the Quidditch pitch.

“I agree that debunking that ludicrous book is important, but the school simply cannot take sides on such a controversial issue,” she'd said when Severus broached the idea. “You'll have to find a private venue.”

Severus had bitten back a harsh reply – Minerva had a tongue like a whip when she chose – and began looking for appropriately warded sites. Malfoy Manor was out, something about the peacocks being sensitive, but Lucius was scarcely the only pardoned Pureblood with land.

Then he received a letter from Argus Pyrites....

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