Snape 100


December 5th, 2017

ellid @ 07:23 am: Title: Fake News, VII
Challenge: Weird Wizarding Dilemmas....
Word Count: 100

Severus rubbed his forehead as Granger flipped past a section on styling one's nose hair. “You're far too intelligent to be consulting such a ridiculous book. The only chapter worth the time is on growing plimpy-safe kelp in one's bathroom.”

“That one works?” Granger looked up, clearly impressed. “Did you use the toilet tank method or the sink?”

“Neither. I sub-divided the bathtub since I only take showers,” said Severus. He appropriated the book, found the correct page, and indicated the detailed and surprisingly useful construction diagrams. “It worked beautifully during the plimpy food shortage five years ago.”

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