Snape 100


November 30th, 2017

ellid @ 07:35 am: Title: Fake News, IV
Challenge: A Study into the Possibility....
Word Count: 100

There was something profoundly sad about seeing so many people who had fallen for a hoax, even if part of Severus was more than happy to sneer at the dunderheads. If someone had offered him the chance to save Lily (beautiful Lily, gone so young) or even Charity, wouldn't he have tried?

“It's cruel to offer hope when there is none,” he said at last.

“Agreed.” Granger glanced at the sign for Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, then sighed. “I've had to bite my tongue at family gatherings. George hasn't been the same since the war.”

“Completely understandable,” Severus murmured.

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