Snape 100


November 21st, 2017

ellid @ 07:31 am: Title: Deluxe Edition, XXXXV
Challenge: Magicke Most Evile, II
Word Count: 100

“Perfect.” Poppy finished her examination of Archimedes, then gently stroked Astraea's downy fuzz of hair. “Both of them. Well done, gentlemen.”

“We do our best,” said Remus. He had been in a joyful daze since the birth, except for dealing with the hate mail about how the twins were clearly the product of Homunculus Creation Charm in Magicke Most Evile. “It's mainly Severus, though. He did all the hard work.”

“That I did,” said Severus, preening slightly. Archimedes in particular took after the Princes, but they were both quite remarkable children. “The final results speak for themselves.”

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