Snape 100


October 27th, 2017

ellid @ 07:31 am: Title: Deluxe Edition, XXXIV
Challenge: Nightshade Book of Necromancy, V
Word Count: 100

“Now what am I to do?” Severus rolled his eyes as Remus propped a pillow under his head. The Nightshade Book of Necromancy had been fascinating, and he still wanted to know about mummified kobolds. “I've finished all the Fifi LaFolles - “

“I'm sure you'll find something,” said Remus, who had tolerated his obsession. “Budge over, I want to fluff the sofa cushions.”

Severus grunted. “'Budging over' is not precisely an – oh yes, that's better.”

“Poor love.” Remus kissed him, one hand on what had been his waist. “Let me see what I can find.”

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