Snape 100


October 23rd, 2017

ellid @ 07:38 am: Title: Deluxe Edition, XXX
Challenge: Nightshade Book of Necromancy, IV
Word Count: 100

“Hm,” said Poppy Pomfrey, examining the results of her diagnostic spells with unusual care.

Severus sat up as straight as he could. He was tantalizingly close to the date Poppy had chosen for the caesarian section, and he was counting the hours until he had his body back.

Of course, then he he'd have two children to raise, but he'd deal with that when it happened. “Hm?”

“Your pulse is elevated. Were you exercising before you came here?” Poppy frowned.

“I can scarcely walk, let alone exercise.” Severus glared. “I read a mildly exciting book, nothing more.”

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