Snape 100


August 28th, 2017

ellid @ 07:57 am: Title: The Evaluation Committee, I
Challenge: Book of Spells
Word Count: 100

“We need to upgrade our textbooks according to these memoranda,” said Minerva. She gestured at the sheaf of papers in her hand, which obediently reproduced itself in multiple copies for the waiting faculty members. “This is directly from the Board of Governors, so please, no carping about this being a waste of time.”

“This is nonsense,” said Severus. He made a face. “The textbooks - “

“Are overdue for revision,” said Minerva. “Goshawk's new edition is due out shortly. Severus, Filius, kindly evaluate it and report back to me.”

“Yes, Headmistress,” the two said in unison.

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