Snape 100


July 11th, 2017

ellid @ 07:38 am: Title: On the Outside Looking In, II
Challenge: Tonks House
Word Count: 100

“Perhaps Minerva could speak to her, or Harry,” said Pomona. She had come to sit by Lupin, all sympathy and kindness. “Surely they could help.”

“Minerva tried,” said Lupin. He sighed and set his teacup aside. “She sent owls, all of which returned unanswered. It's as if she's disappeared from the face of the earth.”

Severus rolled his eyes. Were they truly that dense? “Has it occurred to you that the Tonks property is still under a Fidelius? If Nymphadora – or her mother – decided to vanish then that's the logical explanation.”

Lupin sat up. “Of course!”

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