Snape 100


May 5th, 2017

ellid @ 07:59 am: Title: Alchemical Fyre, V
Challenge: Jamaica
Word Count: 100

The organizers of Alchemical Fyre fluttered about like hallucinating pixies as they promised food better than a ploughman's lunch. “Wait until you hear the music!” one cried, his tie-dyed sarong whipping about his legs and nearly tripping him. “Snape's Nosebleed - “

“Cancelled,” said the goblin concierge. He shrugged as a group of sunburned groupies burst into cries and lamentations. “Their lead singer broke his nose in a fight and is on bedrest.”

Severus could not help laughing at that. “Serves them right,” he muttered, and joined the queue for the portkey to Kingston before the groupies recognized him.

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