Snape 100


May 2nd, 2017

ellid @ 08:02 am: Title: Alchemical Fyre, II
Challenge: Jamaica
Word Count: 100

“'Snape's Nosebleed' is a rock band.” Millicent Bulstrode, who had acquired several tattoos and a nose ring since she'd left school, gestured at a tattered poster stuck on a lamppost. “They were pretty popular until one of 'em actually had a nosebleed on stage.”

“How delightful,” Severus snapped. “Why did they name themselves after me? I don't have nosebleeds, I should - “

Millicent lit a cigarette, drew deep, and blew out a smoke ring. “Lead singer's from some place called Snape's Island.

“Question is, why does anyone want a bunch of has-beens for a Jamaican festival?”

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