Snape 100


February 22nd, 2017

ellid @ 07:44 am: Title: The Last Straw, III
Challenge: mythbusting: dark veela
Word Count: 100
NOTE: this happens immediately after “I (Don't) Remember Mama”

The youth blinked. “Dark Veelas. Their hairs make excellent wand cores, far better than normal Veela hair, and - “

“What is this?” Fleur Weasley shook her glowing hair back from her face. She was even more beautiful now than as a student, and far more powerful. “Professor Snape is not a veela. My grandmere was a veela and I would - “

Dark Veela,” said the youth, and for one lovely instant Severus thought Fleur would turn him into a newt. “Professor Snape - “

“Is not a veela of any type,” Severus snapped. “What nonsense!”

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