Snape 100


January 6th, 2017

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Polish Up Your Resume! IV
Challenge: new job
Word Count: 100

It wasn't until the fourth (or fifth) story about Prudentia Ridiculous Maiden Name Frump that Severus realized there had been a second sheet of paper in the Frump mailer. He unfolded it, snorted, and flipped it to his colleagues.

“Note her suggested careers. Chicken farmer, Muggle liaison - “

“To Muggle chickens, I suppose?” said Pomona with a distinct giggle.

“ - Wireless presenter- “

“You do have a fine speaking voice,” murmured Filius.

“ - pantomime dame - “

Both professors hooted.

“ - and automobile mechanic.” Severus smirked. “I believe I'll stay where I am.”

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