Snape 100


December 7th, 2016

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: The Most Musically Inexplicable Time of the Year, III
Challenge: Behold the Bridegroom Cometh
Word Count: 100
Note: this is set in the Motherless Child timeline, where Snape and Lupin are married and have adopted a child. Their son is about two in this fic.

Igor sang as he worked.

That was unexpected – most wizards were not musical, Celestina Warbeck aside – but Igor's grandfather had been a chaplain for a Wizarding regiment in the Great War, so it only made sense that he knew the liturgy.

Why he sang and hummed the sacred songs as he and Dolohov extracted every bit of pain they could from their victims –

“Severus! Come join us!” Dolohov called, waving at the twitching figure on the floor as Igor switched to whistling a sacred song -

“Bad associations,” Severus murmured. “Could we go home?”

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