Snape 100


November 21st, 2016

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Exchange Student, XI
Challenge: Thunderbird
Word Count: 100

Another girl, this one wearing a Horned Serpent patch on her robes, threw herself into a chair. Aurorine scowled. “Trivia. What are you doing here?”

“Visiting Linus.” The newcomer, who wore eyeglasses and had ink stains on her fingertips, raised her eyebrows. “This must be the exchange student, the one all the Houses want. I'm Trivia, Trivia Munday.”

“Severus Snape.” He narrowed his eyes. “How did get past the first floor? I thought there were passwords - “

“Which were even easier than usual,” said Trivia. “Really, you featherheads need to come up with a better system.”

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