Snape 100


December 15th, 2015

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: Lapses of Memory, II
Challenge: obliviate
Word Count: 100

“Who am I? What sort of nonsensical question is that?” Snape looked more than usually annoyed. “I also can tell you the year, the name of the Muggle PM, the Queen's idiot heir - “

“Yes, Severus, you've already done so,” said Poppy Pomfrey. She straightened her cap, which had come slightly askew during what had clearly been an epic argument. “I'm not disputing that. The lapse of memory when Headmaster asked you to check on Mr. Potter - “

“Who died in 1981,” snarled Snape, and Remus knew he had his work cut out for him.

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