Snape 100


October 12th, 2015

ellid @ 07:26 am: Title: A Few Small Repairs, I
Challenge: Wolfsbane
Word Count: 100

From the girdlebook of Severus Snape (post-war):

Notes on the Wolfsbane reformulation, based upon interviews with that annoying git Remus Lupin:

Goals should include the following:

1. Improved taste. The Belby recipe is notably bitter and foul-tasting, which is why it is not suitable for young lycanthropes.

2. A more convenient dosing schedule.

3. Better preservation and transportability. Lycanthropes must currently take the potion almost immediately upon completion, which is inconvenient for the brewer as well as the patient. In addition, it can only be transported in cauldrons, making it difficult to produce and distribute in bulk.

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