Snape 100


September 21st, 2015

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: Product Liability, VI
Challenge: Swelling Solution
Word Count: 100

Dear Lucius:

Weasley knows what you did.

I thought you should know.


S. Snape

Dear Severus,

I've no idea what you're talking about. Are you well?

Sincerely yours,

Lucius Malfoy

Dear Lucius:

Quite. Can you say the same?

S. Snape

Dear Severus,

What do you mean?


Dear Lucius:

Perhaps you should check your choccie stash.

S. Snape

Dear Severus,

I don't have a choccie stash. What are you talking about?


Dear Lucius:

Then who at your domicile has been ordering from George Weasley? Narcissa doesn't eat sweets.

S. Snape

Dear Severus,

My God. Draco -


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