Snape 100


August 31st, 2015

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Sex Potion #9, I
Challenge: Amortentia
Word Count: 100

Syllabus for Fifth Year Health Class

1. Importance of proper nutrition, with emphasis upon proper balance of fats, sweets, meats, vegetables, fruits, difference between elf-grown and conventionally grown foodstuffs, etc. (lecture by Poppy Pomfrey)

2. Necessity of physical exercise and proper sleep (lecture by Xiomara Hooch)

3. Sexual hygiene, prevention of unwanted offspring, and myths about eugenics, “pure blood,” etc. (class will be split between sexes, with girls' sections taught by Poppy Pomfrey and boys by Severus Snape)

4. Dangers of chemical aids to magical and physical health, including misuse of stimulant potions, Amortentia, etc. (lecture by Severus Snape)

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