Snape 100


June 26th, 2015

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: Collector's Item, XVI
Challenge: Jupiter
Word Count: 100

The music eventually faded out – not that Severus minded listening to it, mind, Holst was quite talented for a Muggle – and by the time Lupin had rearranged his clothes, kissed Severus senseless, and Floo'd back to London to retrieve his son for the weekend, Severus was in a better mood than he'd been for years. He slept well and deeply, and was still humming lightly to himself when he arrived at breakfast.

“Goodness, Severus. We are chipper this morning, aren't we?” said Minerva, passing him the kippers.

“Indeed,” said Severus brightly, and tucked into his food.

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