Snape 100


December 17th, 2014

ellid @ 07:58 am: Title: The Quest for the Perfect Latke, III
Challenge: holiday food
Word Count: 100
Note: this is a Motherless Child fic, wherein Snape and Lupin marry and adopt a young werewolf.

Cleaning the mess took longer than it should – the remaining potatoes not only attempted precision dancing of the sort best reserved for splashy West End musicals, they actually cried when stuffed back in their sack – but eventually the kitchen was fit for human occupation again. Severus hauled out his mother's old recipe book, opened it to latke recipe, and pointed at the list of ingredients.

“No garlic powder - ”

“I already said that was the potatoes' fault,” muttered Remus.

“ - only potatoes, onions, salt and pepper, egg, a touch of baking powder, and oil.”

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