Snape 100


November 20th, 2014

ellid @ 07:47 am: Title: Lessons in Loyalty, IV
Challenge: Snape's Hufflepuff streak
Word Count: 100

“You have to choose,” said Evan one night after the lights were out. He raised his hand for silence as Severus started to protest. “Look. I agree that Malfoy's an overbearing shit, but he has a point. Spending all your time with a Gryffindor isn't helping you in Slytherin. You're going to be for the next few years, not to mention needing those connections after your NEWTS.”

“Lily's my best friend. I can't just drop her,” hissed Severus. He could not, would not lose his temper.

“Loyalty's a virtue, Sev. But what about your loyalty to us?”

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