Snape 100


November 11th, 2014

ellid @ 07:26 am: Title: A Logical Mind, II
Challenge: Snape's Ravenclaw streak
Word Count: 100

“Mr. Snape! A moment!” Filius hurried up to the boy, book in hand. Young Mr. Snape was alone, and for once it was a blessing instead of a reason to pity the lad.

“Professor Flitwick?” The thin young shoulders tensed. “Is something wrong?”

“Oh, heavens no!” The boy was taller than Filius himself, but not by much. “I noticed you have a rather logical turn of mind for a non-Ravenclaw. I thought you might find this of use.”

Mr. Snape's eyes widened. “Principia Alchymia</i? Is this the one by - “ “Isaac Newton, yes,” said Filius.

pekeleke @ 10:47 pm: Ignoring Life.

Title: Ignoring Life.
Rating : G
Author: pekeleke
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Written for snape100's Challenge 559: Snape the Ravenclaw.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own these characters. No money is being made out of this work.
Summary: Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life.
A/N: The Summary and title of this drabble come from a quote of 'The Book Of Disquiet' by Fernando Pessoa.

Ignoring Life.
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