Snape 100


November 4th, 2014

ellid @ 07:45 am: Title: The Choice, II
Challenge: Snape in Gryffindor
Word Count: 100

“Sev!” Lily sprang to her feet almost before the last echoes of GRYFFINDOR! had faded and threw her arms about his neck. “I'm so happy we'll be in the same house! We'll have such good times, I know we will - ”

“I'm happy, too,” Severus said. He took a step back as another boy cleared his throat. “I'm Severus Snape, by the by. Lily and I are from the same town.”

“Welcome aboard,” said a boy with black hair and eyeglasses. “James Potter.”

“Good to meet you,” said Severus, and hesitantly held out his hand.

pekeleke @ 10:07 am: Gryffindor Technique.

Title: Gryffindor Technique.
Rating : G
Author: pekeleke
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Written for snape100's Challenge 559: Snape the Gryffindor.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own these characters. No money is being made out of this work.
Summary: Oh, for Merlin's sake!  Allow me to demonstrate proper Gryffindor technique.

Gryffindor Technique.
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