Snape 100


August 20th, 2014

ellid @ 07:00 am: Title: The Eyes Have It, III
Challenge: Mad-Eye Moody
Word Count: 100

“Believe me, I have.”

Moody's wooden foot thumped ominously as he took a step toward Severus. “What is that supposed to imply, Snape? Are you saying that you prefer - “

“I prefer not to disrupt the Order's holiday festivities by talking shop.” Severus popped a shrimp puff into his mouth and washed it down with a glass of surprisingly good punch. “Surely you see the value of - “

“See? See? Are you mocking me?” cried Moody, and this time his eye swiveled so wildly it popped out of its socket and landed in the punch.

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