Snape 100


August 15th, 2014

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: Ancient Enemy, IV
Challenge: Remus Lupin
Word Count: 100

“Good-bye, Severus.”

Severus repressed the urge to scream as Lupin, calm and polite as ever, limped into his office. “You forgot your Wolfsbane. I've nothing to say to you.”

Lupin bowed his head. “It was the shock of seeing Peter's name. There is no excuse for such carelessness on my part.”

“Hindsight is a wonderful thing, wolf. It doesn't compensate for nearly getting several students killed.” Severus planted his fists on his desk. “Albus was right to sack you.”

“He didn't. I resigned.”

Severus exhaled, very slowly. “Perhaps there's hope for you yet,” he said at last.

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